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IOP Publishing Launches First-of-its-Kind Peer Review Certification Programme

IOP Publishing Launches First-of-its-Kind Peer Review Certification Programme

September 2020

NISO Member News

IOP Publishing (IOPP) is revolutionising peer review learning with the launch of the world’s first peer review certification programme dedicated to the physical sciences. ‘Peer review excellence: IOP training and certification’ will give early career researchers the ability to review with confidence, increasing trust and standardising the quality of the process.

Peer review is a critical component of scholarly publishing. When completed by dedicated and competent reviewers it helps to safeguard the quality, validity, auth­ority and rigour of academic work.

Peer review excellence: IOP training and certification, which launches this week to coincide with Peer Review Week, is completely free and offers a blend of digital learning with the opportunity to review a manuscript in real time, under the tutelage of experienced editors and reviewers of IOPP journals.

Live online workshops will be co-chaired by the programme’s ambassadors — top-level physicists from around the world.  ‘IOP trusted reviewer status’ will be achieved following the submission of a top-quality review report, as graded by our experienced editors.  IOP trusted reviewers will have demonstrated a high level of peer review competence and the ability to constructively critique scientific literature to an exceptional standard.

Antonia Seymour, Publishing Director said: “The success of peer review depends on careful and critical examination.  Early career researchers are valuable members of the process but, as less experienced reviewers, it can be daunting for them. Our programme, tailored specifically for the physical sciences, will help them to develop their confidence and their ability to give constructive feedback.

“It is fitting that this year’s Peer Review Week is all about trust, as that is exactly what we have set out to achieve – greater trust in the system as a result of higher standards. Our goal is to create a future generation of outstanding peer reviewers, which will ultimately improve the quality of scientific outputs.”

(Full Text of IOP Announcement, September 21, 2020)

About This Organization

About IOP Publishing:

IOP Publishing provides publications through which leading-edge scientific research is distributed worldwide. IOP Publishing is central to the Institute of Physics. Any financial surplus earned by IOP Publishing goes to support science through the activities of the Institute.

Peer review at IOP Publishing:

Peer review plays an essential role in maintaining quality across scientific scholarly communications. At IOP Publishing, we are dedicated to providing a high-quality peer review experience, with more than 60 staff across our global offices dedicated to managing the peer review process, allowing reviewers and board members to concentrate on the science. We are committed to providing a fair and impartial review process, and to providing the fastest possible service to authors.

Find out more about our unique approach

About the Institute of Physics (IOP):

The Institute of Physics (IOP) is the professional body and learned society for physics in the UK and Ireland. It seeks to raise public awareness and understanding of physics, inspire people to develop their knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of physics and support the development of a diverse and inclusive physics community. As a charity, it has a mission to ensure that physics delivers on its exceptional potential to benefit society.