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Knowledge Graphs: White Paper by Phill Jones, Ph.D.

Knowledge Graphs: White Paper by Phill Jones, Ph.D.

January 2021


Amidst the upheaval of the pandemic last spring, Dr. Phill Jones, former Chief Technology Officer of Emerald Publishing authored a white paper discussing the means by which linked data and knowledge graphs might be leveraged to solve real world problems in R&D environments.

Based on interviews with researchers as well as knowledge management professionals currently operating in the R&D enterprise, the relatively succinct report offers examples of business problems that have been resolved through the melding of output from a variety of data sources into a well-designed and engineered knowledge system. In the words of the author, “The creation of knowledge graphs promise to further invigorate the discovery process by offering connected insights researchers did not realize they needed.”  One pull quote reads:

We’ve moved on from federated search, if you like, it’s now about intelligent search.That predictive search that says, “right, this is what I’m interested in! Now I need to make the connections with that topic or object that I’m interested in. And then I might also want to go deeper to make connections between data points that I had no insight over previously.”

Some of the business solutions offered by building knowledge graphs within the enterprise include:

  • Empowering business intelligence
  • Cost reduction
  • Identifying key opinion leaders

Jones’ interviews with these professionals included tips for those about to embark on the design and building of such innovative tools, including among other advice:

  • Do not throw away information unnecessarily
  • Take the time to understand the data and information in hand
  • Maintain and show provenance

Copyright Clearance Center is currently allowing access to the full text of the white paper as well as access to a recorded webinar with Phill Jones. Registration is required although there is no cost associated with such access.