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NISO Professional Development Events, February & March 2021

NISO Professional Development Events, February & March 2021

January 2021

February 2021

NISO Open Teleconference

Transfer  (Note new time!)
Monday, February 8, 2021, 11:00am - 12:00 Noon (Eastern Time, US & Canada) 

Our topic for this month's Open Teleconference will be will be the Transfer Code of Practice, a NISO Recommended Practice now on its 4.0 version. Transfer was initially created by the UKSG in 2007 and moved to NISO in 2014. More information is available at the NISO Standing Committee web pages.

Our conversation will be with Transfer Standing Committee members Heather Staines, Linda Wobbe of the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium, and Gaëlle Béquet of the ISSN Centre.

The Transfer Code of Practice is a voluntary code of conduct and best practices for journal publishers, which contains guidelines for key steps to take when journal owners transfer their journal content to and from one another. It seeks to address the technical and communication issues that arise during these transactions, with a goal of eradicating any disruption of access to journal content by end users.  Support tools developed by the Transfer Standing Committee and other supporters include several services to notify librarians and other interested parties of journal moves.

NISO Webinar

Content Presentation: Diversity of Formats
Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Time, US & Canada)

How content is presented is critical to how frequently it gets used and understood. Technology has made a wider variety of content formats possible -- data, text, video, audio — but presentation can be equally important in  the more traditional formats, such as books and journals. How content is presented, emphasizing different affordances for different types of use, requires thoughtful design choices. For content providers, scalability is one major challenge. Meanwhile those charged with preservation and future use must determine how best to migrate and house different formats, and everyone is concerned about making all formats readily searchable and discoverable. The speakers on this webinar will share their experiences of wrestling with the issues from a variety of perspectives.

Confirmed speakers for this educational event include Emma Molls, Publishing Librarian, University of Minnesota Press; Hannah Heckner, Product Strategist, Silverchair, and David Kuilman, Director, Content Standards and Processes, Elsevier. 

NISO Plus Annual Conference!

NISO Plus 2021: Global Conversations: Global Connections
Monday, February 22, 2021 - Thursday, February 25, 2021

NISO Plus 2021 is going to be a global virtual event, happening literally around the world February 22-25, 2021. Building on the wonderful response to NISO Plus 2020, we’re bringing the same quality of content and conversation to this born-digital event, with dozens of amazing speakers and keynotes from across the globe. Scheduled to maximize attendance from as many timezones as possible, there will be things for you to see and do around the clock if you wish...or, pick and choose to make the experience perfect for your interests.

Review the program here. And then register. We want you to be a part of this wonderful event!  

March 2021

NISO Webinar

Building Trust: Credibility of Content
Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

The information community is well aware of the need to establish that content is credible, authoritative, and trustworthy. However communicating this is increasingly challenging in a world where  technology can make fake information “plausible” or when the need for rapid dissemination precludes the usual safeguards of peer review. How can we communicate these important limits and nuances to those who search for and use the information we provide? How can we best handle provenance tracking? Who is responsible for, and who should be held accountable for verification processes? Do we need better guidelines and, if so, who should be at the table negotiating those? In this webinar, experts across the information community will share their concerns and success stories. 

NISO Virtual Conference

Community Owned Infrastructure: Partnerships & Collaboration
Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 12:00 Noon - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Infrastructure -- from transportation systems to information platforms -- is inevitably costly to build and maintain. It entails ongoing investment and long-term technical support. How can we ensure that community-owned information infrastructure is successfully managed? Who are the stakeholders and how do you balance the needs of different groups? What represents the minimum viable product, and what does it take to make it a reality? ? Who is funding the infrastructure and is there a plan for long-term sustainability? What are successful examples of community-owned platforms, and how confident are we that they will be sustained over the long term? We’ll hear from those who provide, fund, and use our community-owned infrastructure about what’s working, what isn’t, and how best to ensure its long-term success.