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Marshall Breeding's Library Systems Report 2021

Marshall Breeding's Library Systems Report 2021

May 2021

Information Community News

May 2021 Cover of American Libraries Magazine

Important update from industry expert, Marshall Breeding

My 2021 Library Systems Report: Advancing library technologies in challenging times has been published by American Libraries.

— Marshall Breeding (@mbreeding) May 3, 2021

Following the news of Clarivate's acquisition of Proquest on May 17, Breeding posted two additional items.

In light of yesterday's news about the pending acquisition of ProQuest by Clarivate, here is the Clarivate profile on Library Technology Guides:

And my initial attempt at its mergers and acquisition chart: @clarivate

— Marshall Breeding (@mbreeding) May 18, 2021


ProQuest profile on Library Technology Guides:

ProQuest Mergers and Acquisitions:

— Marshall Breeding (@mbreeding) May 18, 2021