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Save The Date! NISO Plus 2022 Should Be On Your Calendar!

Save The Date! NISO Plus 2022 Should Be On Your Calendar!

May 2021

Looking Forward to Next Year

Even though it’s only been three months since 850 members of the information community joined us for NISO Plus 2021, we’ve already begun the planning process for next year’s conference. We were blown away by the global participation in NISO Plus 2021, and received overwhelmingly positive feedback for our efforts at inclusion and accessibility. So while we’d love to see everyone in Baltimore, the benefits of engaging with the global information community virtually are just too much to overlook. 

We’ve got other big things in store for 2022 as far as NISO Plus goes, including opportunities to reconnect in person, once it’s safe to do so. We’re not quite ready to talk about these yet….

For now, we are thrilled to be able to announce that the NISO Plus 2022 Conference will take place virtually February 15-17, 2022, when you can expect another amazing set of conversations about the information ecosystem and what we can do to move it forward.

Save the date, and we’ll see you there.