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Resource-Sharing Strategies & Tactics

Resource-Sharing Strategies & Tactics

September 2021

This discussion with Jill Morris of PALCI was featured during the Hot Topic Virtual Conference Owning, Licensing, and Sharing Digital Content. Morris offered this as the abstract of her talk:

Academic libraries' sharing ecosystems have long provided necessary efficiencies and access to information at a level that was impossible for any single institution to accomplish on its own, even for the largest and most well-funded among us. But as collections have become increasingly electronic in nature, and as higher education budgets have tightened, consortial sharing ecosystems are being disrupted, heavily constrained by digital content licensing terms, technologies and other restrictions. Now firmly in the midst of a transition from print to electronic holdings, expedited further by the challenges of a worldwide pandemic, where does this leave resource sharing consortia that were conceived of in order to support adequate access to information for institutions with diverse needs through collective collections and the sharing of library materials? In this session, we'll discuss the PALCI consortium's strategies and tactics for eBook acquisitions that support a transition to a digital sharing environment, as well as identify the remaining gaps that exist, and new approaches currently being explored.

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.