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The NISO Plus 2022 Countdown Continues

The NISO Plus 2022 Countdown Continues

October 2021

So much to engage interest!

With just over three months to go till NISO Plus 2022 (February 15-17, 2022), October was a busy month! With the support of our wonderful Planning Committee, we’ve decided on topics for the invited sessions, launched our call for proposals, and secured our opening keynote speaker, Dr. Siva Vaidhyanathan. We added three new sponsors, bringing our total to 18. And, of course, we also opened up early bird registration, and have been delighted to see people already signing up!

In case you missed any of these announcements, here’s a quick recap — and you can also sign up to receive alerts about all NISO Plus news as it happens, and follow us on Twitter (check for #NISOPlus22).

  • Invited sessions. After some very productive brainstorming with the Planning Committee, we’ve settled on a diverse range of topics — from Accessibility to Working towards a more ethical information community — and are now busy identifying an equally diverse range of speakers!
  • Call for proposals. We’re inviting proposals on topics including archiving and preservation; cutting-edge ideas; global issues; information quality and ethics; metadata; metrics; open research; research infrastructure; and sustainability. Thanks to everyone who’s already submitted their ideas, and there’s still time to do so if you haven’t — we’re giving you an extra weekend, so the call is now open through November 8. 
  • Opening keynote. We are thrilled to have secured our opening speaker! A highly-renowned author and speaker, Dr. Siva Vaidhyanathan is Robertson Professor of Media Studies and director of the Center for Media and Citizenship at the University of Virginia, and author of Antisocial Media, The Googlization of Everything, and Copyrights and Copywrongs.
  • Sponsorships. We are very grateful to our newest sponsors — Altum, Figshare, and SPIE — for their support and, of course, to the 15 other organizations who had already committed their sponsorship. They’re helping us keep registration rates affordable for all, so please join us in thanking them — and also consider sponsoring NISO Plus 2022 yourself!
  • Earlybird registration. We’re delighted to report that individuals and organizations from eight countries around the world have already registered for the conference. We encourage you to take advantage of the generous earlybird rates and register now! There are additional discounts for NISO members, groups of five plus, and need-based registrations that should allow for anyone who wishes to attend.