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Announcing the NISO Plus 2022 Program

Announcing the NISO Plus 2022 Program

December 2021

Information Community News

With just two months to go until the next NISO Plus conference (February 15-17, 2022), we are delighted to invite you to check out the preliminary program — and to register at the early bird rate!  Available through January 7, 2022, it provides even larger discounts for NISO members; groups of five and more; students/early career/unemployed information professionals; and those in countries outside of the IMF’s top 30.

You can view the full program here, but here’s a taste of what you can look forward to:

  • 40 75-minute sessions — a mix of recorded presentations and live conversation — all focused on identifying concrete ways that NISO can help address key issues of concern to the information community 

  • 100+ speakers from every region of the world, sharing their expertise on topics ranging from accessibility to open science, ethics to usage data, and archiving to semantics

  • Keynotes by four eminent speakers — Dariusz Jemielniak, Katharina Ruckstuhl, Siva Vaidhyanathan, and our 2022 Miles Conrad Awardee (to be announced later this week)

  • Opportunities to engage with your peers and colleagues from across the information community — librarians, content providers, service providers, and more — including two fun virtual social events

  • Programming across multiple time zones, with recordings available before, during, and after the conference, to enable the widest possible participation — synchronous and asynchronous 

  • Intuitive, simple-to-use online platform — create your own custom schedule, integrate it with your calendar, and log into the sessions you want to attend quickly and easily

NISO Plus 2021 was a great success and NISO Plus 2022 promises to be even better, so please join us there. Don’t forget to register by January 7 to take advantage of the early bird rate and, in the meantime, the NISO staff wishes you all the very best for the holiday season and the new year!