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Reimagining the Monograph

Reimagining the Monograph

December 2021

This presentation by Lisa Bayer of the University of Georgia Press opened the NISO Humanities Roundtable, held on October 20, 2021. The event focused on The Monograph in an Evolving Humanities Ecosystem. Bayer provided this as the abstract for her talk:

As critical partners in the humanities ecosystem, university presses have much to contribute to the constant and necessary evolution of the monograph. In this talk I will explore the current state of monograph publishing by university presses, paying attention to the broad contours of the monograph marketplace as well as the influences of press size, capacity, and institutional support. University presses continue to innovate in this space via a variety of digital publishing and open access models, including Manifold, Fulcrum, the Sustainable History Monograph Pilot, TOME, and Knowledge Unlatched. I will also include observations on the surprising success of monographs during the past pandemic year.

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube. 

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