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The Current Landscape for Open Research: A Talk with Glenn Hampson

The Current Landscape for Open Research: A Talk with Glenn Hampson

January 2022

This presentation by Glenn Hampson of The Open Scholarship Initiative kicked off the NISO hot topic virtual conference "Open Research" on November 17, 2021. Hampson provided this as the abstract for his talk:

Defining the foundational landscape of open research is a bit like defining the foundational landscape of “architecture.” There is a tremendous amount of diversity of form and purpose, but also some common elements. This presentation will focus on three main pillars of this foundation: (1) Understanding the definition of “open.” This word is everywhere in the scholarly communication landscape but what does it mean and how is it used by different groups? (2) Understanding the status, needs and challenges of the open universe. Where are we making progress? What needs are we meeting and what are the unmet needs and challenges? And finally, (3) Understanding the priorities for improving our open future. What should we focus on and why?

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.