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Research Infrastructure for the Pluriverse

Research Infrastructure for the Pluriverse

February 2022

This presentation by Dr. Katharina Ruckstuhl was featured as the closing keynote of the NISO Plus 2022 Conference, held February 15-17 2022. Dr. Ruckstuhl provided this as the abstract for her talk:

Indigenous scholars and communities have struggled for many years to have their voices ‘heard’ in the research environment. With the exponential increase in availability of digital information in all domains of public and private life, how can research infrastructures, including the standards that underlie them, allow for pluriversal approaches?

In this discussion, I will outline what is meant by a pluriversal approach and how Indigenous scholars and allies have been thinking about and implementing research infrastructure processes, with implications for standards, now and into the future.

Watch the embedded presentation below, or click here to view the video on the official NISO Plus website.