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New Recommendations on Data Repositories

New Recommendations on Data Repositories

May 2022

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)

From the White House post announcing the release of the report:

Public access to Federally funded research and data is critical for accelerating discovery, fostering collaboration, advancing equity, ensuring government accountability, and maximizing America’s returns on its billions of dollars in investments in basic research. This research data, generated by researchers in the Federal government, across the country, and around the world, is at the cutting edge of our understanding in virtually every area of scholarly endeavor. 

Guidance from this report, Guidance on Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories for Federally Funded Research, "contains clearly defined desirable characteristics for two classes of online research data repositories: a general class appropriate for all types of Federally funded data—including free and easy access—and a specific class that has special considerations for the sharing of human data, including additional data security and privacy considerations. Federal agencies can use this guidance to provide more consistent information to their research communities about sharing Federally funded data with the public." 

Michael Huerta, Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Associate Director for Strategy, National Library of Medicine, NIH during NISO's May 11 Roundtable discussion, Strategic Management of the Research Process, made reference to this report.