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Member News & Announcements, July IO 2022

Member News & Announcements, July IO 2022

July 2022

Partnerships & Collaborations

Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) Partners with Annual Reviews to Pilot Subscribe to Open in 2022
Annual Reviews, Voting Member, News Announcement, June 16, 2022

Starting June 14th, all Annual Reviews content published between 2013-2022 will be openly available across Australia and New Zealand. This includes all articles authored by Australian and New Zealand researchers during this period. The journals provide overviews of scientific progress across the life, biological, physical and social sciences.

This agreement is a pilot program under Subscribe to Open, a business model that converts entire volumes of a journal to open access. Annual Reviews announced on April 5, 2022 that they would work towards making their entire portfolio of 51 journals available worldwide in 2023 under the Subscribe to Open model. Recognizing the impact of these plans, CAUL has negotiated full access in Australia and New Zealand one year earlier. 

American Anthropological Association (AAA) Renews Partnership with Wiley
Wiley, Voting Member, News Announcement, June 9, 2022

The American Anthropological Association (AAA) today renewed its agreement with Wiley Publishing, a leader in research and education with offices across the globe. The agreement continues a 15-year partnership that began in 2007.

Wiley will continue to host AAA’s portfolio of 20+ anthropology journals, including American Anthropologist, the association’s flagship publication as well as AnthroSource, AAA’s online portal. AnthroSource is the premier database of full-text anthropology articles, serving the research and teaching needs of scholars and practitioners in the United States and around the world.

Financials, Mergers, and Acquisitions

2022 PALCI Annual Report & Annual Meeting Recordings Released
Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc. (PALCI), Voting Member, News Announcement, June 23, 2022

PALCI’s 2022 Annual Report is now available for download from the PALCI website.

This report features program and service highlights, financial snapshots, and reports from PALCI committees, the Board, and staff.

Staff at PALCI libraries may also now view this year’s 2022 Annual Member Meeting event recordings and presentations, available in PALCI’s Members Only Basecamp portal (login required). If you are unable to view the recordings and believe you should have access, please contact our PALCI staff.

Elsevier closes Interfolio acquisition
Elsevier,  Voting Member, Press Release, June 7, 2022

Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, and part of RELX, has closed the acquisition of Interfolio, a provider of advanced faculty information solutions for higher education, headquartered in Washington DC, US.

For over 20 years, Interfolio has supported academics, researchers, higher education institutions and funders. Interfolio’s portfolio includes Faculty Information System (FIS), Dossier, and Researchfish. Faculty Information System enables academics to collect and manage critical data for academic hiring, review, promotion and tenure, through a streamlined and transparent digital process, using faculty activity data which benefits the scholar and the institution. Researchfish technology helps funders and research organisations to collect, track, assess, and gain deep insights into research outputs, outcomes and impacts. Dossier helps individual scholars and researchers to aggregate and efficiently apply for faculty positions and graduate programs.

Fondren Library Releases Annual Report
Rice University, Fondren Library, L.S.A. Member, News Announcement, June 2022

Infrastructure and Platforms

Announcing the NASIG Model Digital Preservation Policy
NASIG - North American Serials Interest Group, Voting Member, Blog Post, June 15, 2022

NASIG’s Digital Preservation Committee is pleased to announce publication of the NASIG Model Digital Preservation Policy, an important new tool designed to help you measure, grow, and publicize your organization’s commitment to preserving its scholarship. It includes advice on identifying and taking first steps, more advanced options and activities, and opportunities to share and refine professional experiences. Developed in informal collaboration with the Library Publishing Coalition and the Society for Scholarly Publishing, the model policy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“This is a fantastic resource for any organization or institution that wishes to preserve the valuable digital content in its collections,” said Ted Westervelt, Past President of NASIG, “and a great example of collaboration between NASIG and its colleagues within the wider information community.”

Open Access, Open Science

Wiley and Italian Consortium Bibliosan Sign Open Access Agreement
Wiley, Voting Member, Press Release, June 20, 2022

Global research and education leader Wiley today announced a new four-year agreement with Bibliosan, a consortium of medical research institutes and hospitals in Italy. 

This agreement will provide 68 institutions with access to Wiley’s complete journal portfolio and enable participating researchers to publish accepted articles open access in all of Wiley's more than 1,600 hybrid and gold open access journals. 

“Wiley is extremely pleased to announce this landmark agreement, which is the first of its kind for healthcare institutions. Bibliosan institutions contribute greatly to the advancement of science and this agreement will help them embody the best of research and clinical practice,” said Liz Ferguson, Senior Vice President, Wiley Research Publishing. 

CRKN Announces Assessment Guidelines for Open Access Publishers
Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN), Voting Member, News Announcement, June 7, 2022

CRKN’s Content Strategy Committee (CSC) is pleased to share its Assessment Guidelines for Open Access (OA) Publishers. These guidelines outline criteria for the financial sustainability, academic quality, and operational practices under which open access models and resources proposed by vendors and publishers will be assessed. The CSC will use the guidelines during negotiations to assess whether proposals from vendors and publishers meet with member goals and objectives on open access.

Following the publication of CRKN’s updated Licensing Principles in 2021, the CSC identified the need for a set of guidelines to support their assessment of open access proposals from content providers outside of the traditional subscription environment (for example, Subscribe to Open, Diamond OA, OA infrastructure and services). With the increasing number of open access models and providers, and with the goal of ensuring that new and existing open access agreements are aligned with CRKN’s member-driven strategic plan and Licensing Principles, this set of guidelines will assist CRKN in assessing and prioritizing collective support for OA opportunities.

EBSCO Information Services Introduces JSTOR’s Open Community Collections in EBSCO Discovery Service™
EBSCO Information Services, and ITHAKA/JStor/Portico, Voting Members, Press Release, June 7, 2022

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) announces the availability of JSTOR Open Community Collections through EBSCO Discovery Service(EDS). EDS users will gain access to a breadth of freely accessible primary source content including artwork, photographs, publications, recordings, and other artifacts from library collections around the world, strengthening the depth and quality of their research.

Open Community Collections enables institutions to host their special collections on the JSTOR platform, making unique primary source collections discoverable to a large network of researchers, faculty and library users worldwide; universities don’t have to be JSTOR participants to access or contribute to Community Collections. EDS users will benefit from this trove of openly accessible content, introducing them to new avenues of research with seamless access to the information they need. By indexing open access content in EDS, researchers can receive access to comprehensive, reliable content.

Libraries, Collections, and Archives

Texas Scholarworks Marks A Milestone
University of Texas, L.S.A. Member, Blog Post, June 16, 2022

UT Libraries is excited to announce that Texas ScholarWorks (TSW) has crossed the 100,000 item threshold!

The 100,000th item to be added was the minutes from a meeting of Student Government on May 3rd, 1988. This item is part of a larger collection of over 3,000 documents related to UT Student Government. Gilbert Borrego, Digital Repository Specialist, has been managing this long-term project in cooperation with Student Government.

Rebuilding Rare Books in a Virtual Space: A Conversation with Curator Dot Porter
University of Pennsylvania, L.S.A. Consortium Member, Blog Post, June 8, 2022

How do collation formulas work, exactly? Porter offers this example. “The formula ‘1(8), 2(6), 3(4)’ means that quire one has eight leaves—that is, four sheets folded together—and quire two has six leaves, and quire three has four leaves. A formula can also tell you if leaves are missing. It could say ‘-4.’ Or it might say ‘+1’ if a leaf has been added.” 

Over the past few years, Porter has thought deeply about the information that those little strings of numbers can provide to librarians, manuscript researchers, and anyone interested in old books. To make this obscure information more accessible, readily available, and useful, she, along with the team behind the VisColl Project, developed a piece of software called VCEditor, which can create collation models: diagrams that show the user how a codex has been bound together, alongside the text and illustrations that appear on each page.

National Archives Celebrates Title IX 50th Anniversary
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Voting Member, Press Release, June 13, 2022

The National Archives celebrates the 50th anniversary of Title IX with a featured document display, sports exhibit, and related programs. These are free and open to the public and (with the exception of the June 21 program) will be at the National Archives Museum’s West Rotunda Gallery in Washington, DC, located on Constitution Avenue at 9th Street, NW. Fully accessible. Metro: Yellow or Green lines, Archives/Navy Memorial station.

Title IX was passed as part of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. It prohibits sex discrimination in education programs supported by federal dollars, including high school and collegiate athletic programs. The act dramatically increased the number of women playing sports. Before Title IX, one in 27 girls played sports. Today that number is two in five. Although Title IX guaranteed equal opportunity, it did not guarantee equal spending. Women’s athletic budgets and scholarship funds still lag far behind men’s. In recent years, collegiate athletes have used social media to bring attention to these disparities.

DEIA Efforts

How UBC Library is rethinking problematic Indigenous representations in children’s literature
University of British Columbia, L.S.A. Consortium Member, News Announcement, June 6, 2022

What do you do with problematic materials in a library collection—with books that are outdated, that perpetuate stereotypes, depict cultural appropriation, or include racism and other harmful elements?

This was the question faced by librarians at UBC Vancouver’s Education Library, Xwi7xwa Library and UBC Okanagan (UBCO) Library, who found a way to contextualize problematic books from the children’s picture book collections.