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Barry Bealer on Maximizing the Investment in Technology

Barry Bealer on Maximizing the Investment in Technology

October 2022
Hype Cycle of Technologies (2022)

This presentation was provided by Barry Bealer, during the NISO Hot Topic Virtual Conference in September 2022, which focused on "Building Access, Openness, and Sharing."

Consultant Barry Bealer will address the question of how organizations can successfully procure the best technology that will have the greatest impact for their purposes while minimizing the disruption to the organizational workflow. Today more than ever legacy systems need to be replaced and new technologies need to be incrementally embraced to keep up with changing business and delivery models.  In this session Barry will review best practices for procuring technology to minimize the impact on the organization while gaining more efficiencies and organizational flexibility.

Click above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on our Cadmore Repository.