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New Funding for Canadian Persistent Identifier Work

New Funding for Canadian Persistent Identifier Work

October 2022

NISO Member News

Ottowa, ON | October 11, 2022

The ORCID-CA and DataCite Canada Consortium Governing Committees, as well as the Canadian Persistent Identifier Advisory Committee (CPIDAC), are delighted to announce funding from the Digital Research Alliance of Canada for the 2022-2023 fiscal year!

These funds will offset ORCID-CA and DataCite Canada Consortium member fees and support the ongoing development and implementation of a National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy. This applies to the 2023 DataCite Canada Consortium license year and the 2022-2023 ORCID-CA license year.

As a result of this funding, ORCID-CA member fees are offset by approximately half; DataCite Canada fees are offset by as much as 90%, equitably distributed across the DataCite Canada Consortium membership based on the number of DOIs registered annually.

“The Alliance funding is an impactful contribution toward further development and integration of PIDs into the Canadian research lifecycle,” said Eugene Barsky, Chair, DataCite Canada Governing Committee, and Head of the Research Commons at UBC. “It especially empowers many small and medium size institutions working to implement PID best practices.”

In addition, funding from the Alliance will enable the Canadian PID community, governed through the CPIDAC, to embark on the development of a Canadian PID Strategy. Through this initiative, we aim to develop a set of case studies and PID applications and workflows, as well as engagement materials and community-defined priorities and investment strategies to integrate PIDs fully within the Canadian research ecosystem.

“This funding from the Alliance is hugely advantageous to the adoption and development of shared open scholarly infrastructure in Canada,” commented Mike Nason, Chair, ORCID-CA Governing Committee, and Scholarly Communications and Publishing Librarian, UNB. “It lowers barriers for all member institutions and will ideally encourage new potential memberships. Through ongoing strategy work, this funding will support exposure to, and transparency of, research/funding/institutional connections throughout the country. This infrastructure work is increasingly essential in capturing the research output of Canadian researchers."

Canadian institutions interested in joining ORCID-CA or DataCite Canada are encouraged to visit the CRKN website to learn more about the benefits of joining, including dedicated bilingual support, premium ORCID Member API credentials, Canadian-specific presentations, and more.

For more information about PID consortia membership and fees, please contact John Aspler, Manager, Canadian Persistent Identifier Community, at or