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NISO Professional Development Events, May and June 2023

NISO Professional Development Events, May and June 2023

May 2023

May 2023

NISO Open Teleconference

Open Teleconference May 2023 - KBART (Knowledge Bases And Related Tools)
Monday, May 8, 2023, 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

KBART is a NISO Recommended Practice that facilitates the transfer of holdings metadata from content providers to knowledge base suppliers and libraries. The first iteration of the KBART Recommended Practice, which focused on journal holdings, was published in 2010; a 2014 "Phase II" revision extended support to metadata for e-books, conference proceedings, consortial subscriptions, and some open access publications. Starting in early 2020, the KBART Standing Committee has been hard at work on research and actions around elements of its Phase III work with subgroups addressing areas of work such as clarifying the recommendations, revamping the mission statement, determining new fields, and creating a new file guide.  

Join KBART Standing Committee members Noah Levin and Bobbi Patham as they discuss the group's progress on KBART Phase III, the work of its subgroups on new fields and new file formats, and answer any questions about the group's work.

NISO Roundtable Webinar

Combating the Misuse of Information
Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

One of the great challenges of today’s information environment is the constant need to avoid misuse or deliberate misinterpretation of information. This is as much of a problem for those working in the content sector as it is for those working in the library or classroom. The distrust that it creates is a disservice to scientists, scholars, and researchers in all fields. There are no easy solutions, but the participants in this roundtable discussion will share  creative ways of combating the problem and protecting the value and credibility of the research they — and we — rely on.

Confirmed speakers include Mystery Beck, Subject Librarian for Criminology and Law, The University of Portsmouth; Esther Dell, Associate Librarian, Penn State College of Medicine; Anna Nemzer, Author, Journalist, and Archivist, Russian Independent Media Archive; and Iratxe Puebla, Director, Strategic Initiatives & Community, ASAPbio.

NISO Virtual Conference

Metadata and Discovery: Quality is Key
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 12:00pm Noon - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

What is the role of metadata in discovery, access, and useIs it working? Is our metadata satisfying the requirements of the rising population of students, readers, and researchers operate? How do content and platform providers ensure that their metadata is high quality? Who is responsible for assigning it and ensuring its interoperability across multiple systems?

Metadata is critical to success but it is increasingly complicated to work with. For example, in addition to descriptive metadata, individuals may also need specific legal or administrative metadata in order to clarify appropriate rights for usage. This virtual conference will bring together experts from across the information community to discuss current behaviors, practices, and applications for metadata.

Confirmed speakers (among others) include Farrah Lehman Den, Associate Index Editor, MLA International Bibliography; Heather Kotula, VP of Marketing and Communications, Access Innovations, inc.; Ruth Pickering, Co Founder and Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer; Yewno Inc.; and Nathan Putnam, Director of Data Quality & Governance, OCLC.

June 2023

NISO Roundtable Webinar

Controlled Digital Lending
Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

How do we establish an appropriate understanding of controlled digital lending? While it supports the  robust use of published scholarship in a library environment, at the same time it also tests the traditional bounds of lending practices. Recognizing that no single library collection can possibly contain every publication required by its patrons, shouldn’t the various affected stakeholders be working towards a collaborative solution —a set of best practices? The speakers in this webinar will explore the need for controlled digital lending, as well as the sensitivities associated with it, in a world that increasingly reads electronically.

NISO Virtual Event

2023 NISO Humanities Roundtable
Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 10:30am - 4:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

There is tremendous potential for innovation in scholarship for the humanities. The promise and use of technology – whether in the context of text mining or the analysis of physical artifacts – has not yet been fully realized.  The 2023 Humanities Roundtable will carry forward the tradition of its previous 20 years, drawing on the expertise of scholarly associations, university presses, digital archives, and scholars to provide participants with a day of exciting discussions around the needs of those working in these critical disciplines. The theme and program for this event will be developed In collaboration with a committee of stakeholders, who collectively reflect the overall interests of the information community.

NISO On the Road

NISO @ ALA Annual 2023
Thursday, June 22, 2023 - Tuesday, June 27, 2023, McCormick Place Chicago Convention Center

NISO looks forward to seeing you in-person at our 2023 ALA Annual sessions and at this year's NISO-BISG Changing Standards Landscape Forum, held on Friday, June 23, 2023 (12:00 - 4:00pm)

The last several years have highlighted pressing concerns about social responsibilities and our collective action or inaction. Book publishers have begun to measure diversity in many ways: the books we publish, the authors we sign, the staff we employ, the content we promote, the labor policies we adopt, and more. Increasingly, environmental sustainability has also risen as a concern and become part of industry conversations around making book publishing more inclusive and promoting social justice more generally. Pressingly, we now need to move from talking about change to making an actual difference across the industry. The challenge is about more than just what publishers do: it stretches across the supply chain, affecting manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and libraries, as well. This program will identify primary concerns around diversity and sustainability, document what has been done, outline what more needs to be done, and discuss the obstacles and opportunities that remain.

More details to come! Please visit the event page for the latest updates.

NISO Meeting

NISO Annual Members Meeting
Thursday, June 29, 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

The NISO Annual Members Meeting will take place via Zoom on Thursday, June 29, from 11am - 12.30pm EDT/4pm - 5.30pm BST. This program is open to the public and all are welcome to participate. You will hear from our Executive Director, Todd Carpenter, and other NISO staff about important organizational issues, including updates on progress on our strategic plan, the NISO Plus conference, our organizational finances, NISO’s international engagement, and our standards program. It’s also a chance for you to ask us any questions you have about our organization and how we operate, as well as to share your own feedback about NISO and our work.