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Metrics: What The Community Is Looking For

Metrics: What The Community Is Looking For

September 2023

Industry Leaders Speak

During this ten-minute clip from NISO's most recent Roundtable Discussion, Nettie Lagace, Associate Director, NISO, asked industry leaders Sherine Eid of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Roswitha Poll of ISO's International LIbrary Statistics Working Group, and Sebastian Hammer of Index Data a key question. What would was on their wish list in thinking about useful developments in metrics?  

NISO Roundtables are virtual events, an educational benefit extended to all NISO Voting and Library Standards Alliance member organizations. Have you been listening in to the live broadcast or taken advantage of the distributed recordings? A calendar of 2024 educational events will soon be revealed!   

Click above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on our Cadmore Repository.