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Clarivate Releases New Research Report, Redefining AI in IP

Clarivate Releases New Research Report, Redefining AI in IP

October 2023

NISO Member News

From the Executive Summary

In this report, Clarivate™ addresses perceptions of AI and focuses on the benefits, risks and appetite for its integration into the IP lifecycle. By doing so, we make a fundamental assumption: real perspectives and uses of AI should be central to its development. To inform the report, Clarivate checked the pulse of the IP ecosystem by conducting an online survey. 575 IP and research and development (R&D) professionals from law firms and corporations across the globe responded to the online survey between July 17 and August 1, 2023.

Like many sectors, the use of AI to augment IP processes and decisionmaking covers a wide range of technologies with different levels of sophistication. 43% of surveyed participants reported that AI was not currently being used. Most respondents indicated a negative sentiment towards AI generally and expressed their biggest concern as accuracy (74%). There was a strong appetite for AI to support manual and laborious tasks (67%), with only a small minority (8%) suggesting they did not want AI to apply to IP processes at all. Taken together, these findings hint at the possibility that AI deployment is highly contextual, depending on the specific problem to be solved and the risk environment. Negative perceptions of AI naturally tend towards high-risk tasks that rely heavily on expertise. In these areas, the emphasis is on creating tools which bring expertise to the forefront.

Redefining Artificial Intelligence

How intellectual property practitioners view the coming wave of artificial intelligence, from benefits and barriers to responsible AI