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Updated Principles of Open Scholarship (POSI) v1.1

Updated Principles of Open Scholarship (POSI) v1.1

November 2023

Of Interest to the Information Community

The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) has recently been updated to reflect the real-world experience of—and application by—the 15 adopting organisations ...

POSI version 1.1 includes changes for clarity rather than changes to the spirit of any principle. While the group has lots of ideas for adding some additional principles in the future, these minor revisions were deemed important by the adopters in order to bring the principles up-to-date with not just current thinking but also with current practice.

The POSI website reveals the new version, has an archive of the original, and a marked-up PDF that shares the rationale for each change point-by-point.

The Force11 thought-piece regarding these revisions to the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) consists of collected responses from representatives from participating organizations to the following:

  • What have been the positive outcomes for you in adopting POSI? Has anything changed since your first self-assessment?
  • What have been the challenges for you in adopting POSI? Have any been overcome, or have new issues emerged?
  • What advice would you give to any other organisations considering adopting POSI?
  • What’s next for your organisation/initiative, with regard to POSI?