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Web of Science AI Research Assistant Enters Beta Test Phase

Web of Science AI Research Assistant Enters Beta Test Phase

November 2023

Bringing Generative AI to the Web of Science

Generative AI presents enormous opportunities to transform how scientific and scholarly research is carried out. Faced with the pressure to publish, a more complex research environment to navigate, and growing administrative demands, researchers need better tools available to them. To meet these challenges, Clarivate™ is developing cutting-edge AI technology that will remove roadblocks in the research and publishing process and ultimately contribute to the betterment of research. The organization previously shared plans to develop and embed market-leading generative AI, including conversational discovery, into its academic solutions, and is delighted to announce that the Web of Science™ AI Research Assistant will be available for beta testing this December.

Read the full details in the original November 7 blog post from Clarivate here

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