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Learning From the University of Michigan Library Survey Results

Learning From the University of Michigan Library Survey Results

January 2024

NISO Member News

Some of the Specifics

From the UMich Library blog post:

435 total survey participants. 89% of all participants reported that they used Library Search and 11% reported that they hadn’t used it. Undergraduates, University staff, and Masters' students participant segments had the highest percentages (all under 3%) of participants who said they had not used Library Search. 

The top survey participants by role were:

  • (20%) Employed by a Library, Museum, or Archive 
  • (19%) PhD, Post Doc, or Fellow
  • (16%) Masters students
  • (16%) Undergraduate students
  • (14%) Faculty member or instructor
  • (6%) University staff

90% of survey participants indicated they were affiliated with the Ann Arbor campus, 9% from the Flint campus, and less than 1% from the Dearborn campus. Of the participants affiliated with Ann Arbor, about one third of respondents reported affiliation with LSA, just over 20% were affiliated with a library, archive or museum, and approximately 18% were affiliated with the School of Information.

We asked participants about their frequency of use of Library Search and 64% of respondents said they use Library Search once a week or more. Respondents who said they use Library Search daily were evenly split between those that were employed by a library, museum or archive, and those who were students, faculty or University staff. 

The full text of the blog post (quoted above) may be found here.

A presentation of the survey results from the University of Michigan Library Search Benchmarking survey may be viewed here.