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Newly Released White Paper from Responsible AI UK

Newly Released White Paper from Responsible AI UK

February 2024

Information Industry News

More Details Here

Excerpt From the Foreword

The AI Fringe was a series of events hosted in London and across the UK in October and November 2023 to complement the UK Government-hosted AI Safety Summit. It brought a broad and diverse range of voices into the conversation and expanded the discussion around safe and responsible AI beyond the AI Safety Summit’s focus on Frontier AI safety.

The AI Fringe goals were to:

  • Bring together the views of industry, civil society and academia on safe and beneficial AI.
  • Provide a platform for all communities – including those historically underrepresented – to engage in the discussion.
  • Enhance understanding of AI and its impacts so organizations can harness its benefits.

The perspectives represented in this paper are drawn from a range of organizations across civil society, industry and academia, as well as from a group of citizens who comprised the People’s Panel on AI. There was never an expectation that those perspectives would align completely, but there are many areas of agreement and consensus. This paper is structured around the areas where there is broad agreement across perspectives that there is more work to be done, and where those areas would benefit from the focus of policymakers. These areas include the regulation needed to ensure people and society benefit from AI and its potential harms are mitigated, the skills society needs for both workers and AI technologies to flourish, and the factors that must be considered, built and nurtured for society to adopt them in the most beneficial ways.

To draft this paper, representative organizations from each group – civil society, industry and academia – compiled input from across their sector to cover AI regulation, skills and adoption from their respective perspectives. Each section is a summary of the consensus reached in each group, rather than across groups, and even then a diversity of views exists within sectors; as such no section can be taken as indication of any one organization’s views. As a whole, this paper and the perspectives it outlines aim to highlight to policymakers where there is broad consensus and where gaps or differences remain that suggest where trade-offs must be made. This paper articulates the following perspectives in the spirit of informing further discussion: not to decide any of these issues, but rather to represent the views that can help policymakers and governments set direction.

Download the full paper here.