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Updates Made to the Manufacturing Standards and Specifications for Textbooks (MSST)

Updates Made to the Manufacturing Standards and Specifications for Textbooks (MSST)

August 2024

NISO Member News

Bradenton, FL. | August 13, 2024

The Manufacturing Standards and Specifications for Textbooks (MSST) Committee has updated the standard for the first time since 2020. Due to shifts in the paper market, leading publishers and printers in the industry were concerned about the potential scarcity of paper meeting current MSST testing specifications. The Committee looked at revising the MSST testing specifications to allow for the use of alternative paper stocks in the future without compromising the durability of textbooks.

Following comprehensive testing in 2023/2024, the committee has approved minor adjustments, including a 10% reduction in the Machine Direction Tear specification for 40# and 45# paper grades and a 1-point reduction in the opacity specification for 50# grades. These changes aim to ensure a broader range of paper stocks meet MSST standards while maintaining textbook durability and quality.

The committee emphasizes its ongoing commitment to upholding the integrity of the MSST standards and will continue to work closely with paper mills to refine and expand the available paper grades that meet these rigorous specifications.

The purpose of the MSST Committee is to manage and maintain the Manufacturing Standards and Specifications for Textbooks (MSST). The MSST is used to maintain appropriate physical standards of quality and performance for printed elementary and secondary instructional materials, which may include textbooks, related educational materials, bound, unbound and kit- or package-form materials.

The members of MSST Committee consist of the volunteers from the State Instructional Materials Review Association (SIMRA), Educational Publishers from the Association of American Publishers (AAP), and the Book Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc. (BMI).

For more information about the MSST and to download the latest version of the spec, visit


About This Organization

About the Book Manufacturers’ Institute

The Book Manufacturers’ Institute is a not-for profit trade organization that supports book manufacturing leaders in their work to drive the promotion, efficiency, and growth of book markets for readers and educators in North America.

Since 1933, BMI has provided tremendous value to its member companies and others associated with the book manufacturing industry. BMI member companies range from full-service book manufacturers to those specializing in the digital print market, specialty binderies, component printers, packagers, equipment manufacturers, and suppliers of a variety of materials and services.