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Allen Jones

Director, Digital Library & Technical Services, Library

Allen Jones is the director of Digital Library and Technical Services at The New School Libraries & Archives in New York City.  He is the former Primo Product Working Group chair for the Ex Libris Usergroup of North America (ELUNA) and he is currently the discovery liaison for Summon, Primo, Content and Aleph within ELUNA’s Steering Committee. While he was chair of the Primo Working Group, the working group worked closely with Ex Libris product management on a framework for discovery interface customization, which included the Primo Studio application.  This framework shared between the user community and ExLibris led to over 100 institutional customizations that continue to
be implemented as the Primo and Primo VE products are deployed.

Allen is also the convenor for the subject matter experts group within Project ReShare, a FOLIO-based resource sharing network within the PALCI consortium (Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc.). His professional interests include discovery and delivery systems within library technology systems. His personal interests include writing and philosophical approaches to psychology.