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Bess de Farber

Chief ASKer

Bess de Farber, chief ASKer at ASK Associates, has had four careers: as a musician and music teacher; as a program officer managing grant awards for Arts & Cultural, Social Services, and Human and Race Relations; as a consultant for nonprofits seeking grant funding, collaborations, and strategic planning; and as an academic research development professional for the University of Arizona and University of Florida. She has provided grantseeking instruction and collaboration workshops to thousands of library, nonprofit and academic professionals, over 32 years, and has led teams to secure millions in funding for nonprofits and academic libraries. Bess is the author of Collaborative Grant-Seeking: A practical guide for librarians, and Creating Fundable Grant Proposals: Profiles of innovative partnerships, and coauthor of  Collaborating with Strangers: Facilitating workshops in libraries, classes, and nonprofits. She holds a Bachelor of Music from the University of Southern California, and a Master of Nonprofit Management from Florida Atlantic University.