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Kimberly Gladfelter Graham

Education Program Manager & DEIA Advocate

Kimberly Gladfelter Graham's role at NISO has evolved since joining the organization in 2018.  In her role as Office Manager, she handled administration priorities and supported the Executive Director and Board of Directors. Through the NISO NFAIS merger, she supported the Exploratory and Implementation Committees, and managed the practical complexities of integrating the two organizations into one. Since its inception, she has been demonstrated passionate support for the DEIA effort.  She is currently a program manager for the C4DISC Toolkit for Disability Equity endeavor.

Kimberly comes to NISO from a back ground in the arts and humanities arena, bringing her organizational, strategic planning, and interpersonal skills to the association.  She has worked with numerous private collections, including the Dr. Norton & Nancy Dodge Collection of Non-Conformist Art and the David C. Driskell Collection of African American & African Diasporic Art; curated various exhibitions, including Laying-by Time:  Revisiting the Works of William A. Christenberry;  and taught curatorial practice courses at the Maryland Institute College of Art.  

For better or worse, she is a Marylander - born in Baltimore, raised in Harford County, and a graduate of St. Mary’s College of Maryland.  She credits traveling, art, and NPR for her worldly perspective. Kimberly is currently pursuing her Masters in Library Information Science at the iSchool at the University of Maryland, College Park.  Her standard poodle, Wynnie-the-Poodle routinely joins her at the office.