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Michael F. Huerta

Associate Director of the National Library of Medicine for Strategy and Director of the Office of Strategic Initiatives, NLM, NIH

Dr. Huerta serves as the principal advisor to the Director of NLM regarding development and coordination of data science and open science efforts across NLM, NIH, and beyond, as well as on NLM strategic planning and initiatives. He has led many trans-NIH programs advancing team science, interdisciplinary research, and large-scale, open, data-driven biomedical research and technology initiatives including the NIH Human Connectome Project, the NIH National Database for Autism Research, and the US Human Brain Project, a multiagency effort that developed and established the field of Neuroinformatics. Today, he leads several NIH-wide efforts advancing priorities, policies, and practices to realize the promise of open science and digital biomedicine. Dr. Huerta’s research training was in systems neuroscience; he joined the National Institute of Mental Health at NIH in 1991 and moved to the National Library of Medicine in 2011.