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NISO Announcement

Bethesda, MD (USA) - December 22, 2005 - The NISO Board of Directors has announced that Pat Harris is stepping down as NISO's Executive Director, a position she has held since 1983, as a result of NISO's decision to restructure its operations.
Under Pat Harris' leadership, NISO's membership grew from 38 members to a global community of 90 corporations, associations, libraries, and government agencies dedicated to developing and deploying standards in such areas as library management, interoperable and efficient information retrieval, networked information systems, and information delivery and access.

"The entire NISO Board of Directors acknowledges and thanks Pat Harris for her dedicated, valuable, and continuous contributions over her 23 years of service and stewardship to NISO, and we wish Pat great success in all her future endeavors," said Carl Grant, Chair of NISO's Board. "Under Pat's leadership, NISO has become a valued organization, dedicated to creating and maintaining the information standards needed by our membership and benefiting all information producers and users."
