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2020 Calendar of NISO Educational Events Now Available

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is pleased to announce its calendar of professional development programs scheduled for 2020. The NISO Education Committee, with input from the NISO membership, has pulled together a program with relevance to professionals working across all sectors of the information community. As a member benefit, in 2020, automatic access to all 14 webinars will be provided to all organizational members of NISO.

The 2020 calendar of these 90-minute webinars is shown below:

Wednesday, January 15                  

Identity Management and Authentication Strategies

Wednesday, January 22                  

Talking to Your Organization’s IT Group When You’re Not an IT Person

Wednesday, February 12                

NFAIS Forethought: Cybersecurity

Wednesday, March 11

Labor and Capacity for Research Data Management

Wednesday, March 18         

Building Data Science Skills

Wednesday, April 8             

NFAIS Forethought: Artificial Intelligence: Planning for Implementation

Wednesday, May 20

NFAIS Forethought: Artificial Intelligence: Processes for Media Analysis and Extraction

Wednesday, June 10

No More Big Deal? Picking and Choosing Titles for Use

Wednesday, August 12       

By Faculty, For Students: Supporting OER

Wednesday, August 19

Open Access Monographs: What You Need to Know

Wednesday, September 9       

Demonstrating the Return on Investment: The Library’s Role and Contribution 

Wednesday, October 14     

NFAIS Forethought: Artificial Intelligence: Implications and Impact on Content Discovery 

Wednesday, November 18              

How Libraries Should Prepare Their Communities for Artificial Intelligence

Wednesday, December 9                

Libraries and Publishing Operations

For non-member organizations, subscription packages make it possible to buy a customized package of events or the full set of 14 webinars.

In response to feedback from attendees, all NISO virtual conferences are scheduled to be 4 hours in length in 2020, beginning at 12:00 Noon and ending at 4:00 pm (Eastern Time).

These six virtual events address complex issues of importance facing the entire information community and feature expert speakers from a variety of sectors.

The 2020 calendar of these 4-hour virtual conferences is shown below:

Wednesday, March 25

Researcher Behaviors and the Impact of Technology

Wednesday, April 15           

Making Content Accessible: How Can Publishers and Libraries Better Satisfy the Obligation?

Wednesday, June 17

Changes in Higher Education and the Information Marketplace

Wednesday, August 26

Transforming Search: What the Information Community Can and Should Build

Wednesday, September 16             

Privacy in an Age of Surveillance: Everyone’s Concern

Wednesday, October 21      

Community Owned Infrastructure: Partnerships and Collaboration

“These programs reflect the diverse concerns and perspectives of NISO’s cross-sector membership. NISO educational programs are formulated to include that spectrum of organizations that collaborate in serving the global research community,” says Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO. “In 2020, our objective is to ensure that members are provided with substantive discussions of current issues and trends as well as those that may just be emerging.”

For those interested in maximizing their training dollars, subscription options are available. For webinars, NISO offers the Buy 9, Get 5 Free package that will ensure access to all 14 of the scheduled 90-minute webinars. Alternatively, NISO offers a more limited, customizable Buy 5, Get 4 Free package; subscribers select just nine webinars to satisfy their professional development needs. Similarly, those wishing to pay for the full set of virtual conferences being offered in 2020 may do by subscribing to the Buy 3, Get 3 Free package.

Organizations pay a single fee to enable viewing access for multiple team members in a collaborative group setting. (Note that webinar registration is priced per site, through use of a single computer.)  Webinar registrants hold access to the recorded version for a full year, allowing even greater opportunity for staff to benefit from that single registration.

Additional details about the 2020 programs are available on the NISO web site and registration is now open.

About NISO
NISO, based in Baltimore, Maryland, fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of information standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).