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ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997 (S2015) Standard Technical Report Number Format and Creation


In order to improve access to technical reports and assist in bringing order and uniformity to that form of technical literature, this standard specifies the format for a Standard Technical Report Number (STRN). It describes how and where the number should be assigned and used, and calls for a central authority to coordinate and monitor such assignments. The STRN consists of two groups of characters: the first indicates the issuing organization and includes the optional subdivisions or series, and the second provides a sequential number. Provision has been made for the year of publication as a recommended part of the sequential number.

An American National Standard developed by the National Information Standards Organization

Approved October 8, 1996 by the American National Standards Institute
Converted to stabilized maintenance May 24, 2015

This standard is maintained under a stabilized maintenance procedure, which is described in Section 7.7 of the NISO Operating Procedures

This standard is always open for comments; you may submit them to NISO via our contact form.