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ANSI/NISO Z39.93-2014 The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol


This standard defines an automated request and response model for the harvesting of electronic resource usage data utilizing a Web services framework that can replace the user-mediated collection of usage data reports. It was designed as a generalized protocol extensible to a variety of usage reports. An extension designed specifically to work with COUNTER reports is provided.

The standard is built on SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) for transferring request and response messages. The GetReport method is used for transferring ReportRequest as the input message and returning ReportResponse as the output message.

The standard is accompanied by a versioned Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to describe the Web service namespace and operations, and an XML schema constraining the syntax of the SUSHI transaction. Rules for report naming are outlined and complemented by an external reports registry, which provides for the definition of both COUNTER and non-COUNTER reports.