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ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2021, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, version 1.3


JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, version 1.3

Abstract: The Journal Article Tag Suite provides a common XML format in which publishers and archives can exchange journal content. The JATS provides a set of XML elements and attributes for describing the textual and graphical content of journal articles as well as some non-article material such as letters, editorials, and book and product reviews.

An American National Standard
Developed by the
National Information Standards Organization
Approved June 10, 2021 by the American National Standards Institute

Published by the National Information Standards Organization
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A

ISBN: 978-1-950980-13-0 (PDF version)

This standard is managed under continuous maintenance. The document is open for public comments for ongoing consideration by the JATS Standing Committee. Accepted changes will be included in a future revision of the standard.

Tag sets are available at