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NISO @ ALA Annual 2009 Meeting

NISO on the Road

Visit Us at Booth #931

Event Sessions

NISO Events

NISO Architecture Committee Meeting (invite only)
Thursday, July 9
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Quadrangle Club, University of Chicago
1155 E. 57th Street • Chicago, Illinois 60637
Mass Transit Directions: **Link currently unavailable**
Taxi Directions: **Link currently unavailable**


NISO/BISG Forum: The Changing Standards Landscape

Friday, July 10
12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Chicago, Columbus Hall E/F
Gold Level, East Tower


Friday, July 10
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Sheraton Chicago, Mississippi Room

Meeting of NISO's Automation Vendors Information Advisory Committee. This is an open meeting; no registration is required.

NISO Update


Oliver Pesch

Chief Product Strategist
EBSCO Information Services

Karen Coyle

Librarian, University of California, California Digital Library
University of California, California Digital Library

Sunday, July 12
1:30-3:00 p.m.
McCormick Place West 193b

Hear about 2009 planning and emerging initiatives to look forward to from NISO's leadership committees.

Todd Carpenter, NISO Managing Director

News from the NISO Board
Oliver Pesch, Chair, NISO Board of Directors, and Chief Strategist, E-Resources, EBSCO Information Services

Architecture Committee
Hear from Karen Coyle, member of this committee and Digital Library Consultant, about the work this committee has been doing to refine the NISO Framework -- a tool to help determine how NISO should be engaging with the information community in standards development (including coordinating with related organizations).

Business Information Topic Committee
Kathleen Folger, co-chair of this committee and Senior Associate Librarian, University of Michigan Library, will review 2009 goals and future directions.

Content & Collection Management Topic Committee
Ted Koppel, co-chair of this committee and AGent Verso (ILS) Product Manager, Auto-Graphics, Inc., will review 2009 goals and future directions.

Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee
Rob Walsh, member of this committee and President, EnvisionWare, Inc., will review 2009 goals and future directions. 

Z39.7 Standing Committee Meeting

Monday, July 13
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Chicago Hilton, Conference Room 4G

This is a meeting of the Standing Committee to review any changes to  ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004: Information Services and Use: Metrics & statistics for libraries and information providers — Data Dictionary. This online, interactive dictionary is continuously maintained to allow for more frequent updates and changes to the resource; feedback and suggestions are encouraged. Visit to view previous comments and to add your own suggestions.

Related Meetings

The following meetings, though not planned by NISO, include topics of interest to the NISO community, including updates on NISO projects or other standards-related topics. Mark your calendars! (Please contact Karen Wetzel, NISO Standards Program Manager, at if you have an item to add to this page.)

LITA/ALCTS Electronic Resources Management (ERM) Interest Group


Paula Kaufman

University Librarian and Dean of Libraries
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Adam Chandler

Electronic Resources User Experience Librarian
Cornell University Library

Tae Kim

Software Developer
Serials Solutions

Friday, July 10
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Palmer House, Chicago Room

  • Gap Analysis of ERM-related Data and Standards: New NISO Project
    Ivy Anderson, Director of Collections, California Digital Library
    See Press Release
  • The Library as Strategic Investment: Results of the Illinois Return on Investment Study
    Paula Kaufman, University Librarian and Dean of Libraries, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Results of OpenURL Quality Investigation
    Adam Chandler, Database Management and Electronic Resources Librarian, Library Technical Services, Cornell University Library
  • The Portico Archive: Helping libraries make a secure transition to a reliance on digital scholarship
    Kenneth DiFiore, Associate Director, Portico | JSTOR
  • Serials Solutions Open Source SUSHI-COUNTER Client
    Tae Kim, Software Developer at Serials Solutions, and working group member of the SUSHI maintenance committee
    See Press Release
We are also calling for volunteers to serve as Chair-Elect for 2009/2010 and then as Chair for 2010/2011. Please send your nomination or self-nomination to

Redesigning Technical Services Workflows


Rick Anderson

Associate Director for Scholarly Resources & Collections, University of Utah
University of Utah

Saturday, July 11
8:00 – 10:00 am
McCormick Place West, Room W-470b

Join presenters Renee Register, OCLC; Arlene Klair, University of Maryland Libraries; and Rick Anderson, Marriott Library, University of Utah for a lively discussion of ideas for redesigning your library’s technical services workflows. Todd Carpenter, NISO, to share about the report of a NISO/OCLC Research Study on Publisher Metadata Supply Chain.

Moving Mountains: Latest Trends in the Physical Delivery of Library Materials


Sponsored by ASCLA ICAN and RUSA
Saturday, July 11
8 a.m. – 10 a.m.
McCormick Place South, W-196a

How do you move 5, 10, or even 20 million items a year between libraries? The 2008 Moving Mountains Symposium in Cincinnati explored the best methods for delivering materials between libraries as well as new trends in home delivery. A panel will present Symposium highlights including best practices in current delivery, future trends, home delivery, automated material handling systems, and ways to collaborate.

Speakers: Anna Abate, SWON Libraries- OH; Valerie Horton, CLiC-CO; David Millikin, OCLC-OH; Greg Pronevitz, NMRLS-MA

LITA RFID Interest Group

Saturday, July 11
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Palmer House, Chicago Room

ALCTS Catalog Form & Function Interest Group

Saturday, July 11
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Hilton Continental C

Accentuating the "e-":  Libraries are increasingly looking for ways to draw attention to their growing local and consortial investments in e-resources by flagging these titles in the catalog, adding URLs to print and e-versions, adding search filters or facets for "Online", "Internet", "e-book", and "e-journal" offerings, creating external lists, RSS feeds, and so on.  We will look at some of these methods and see if they are really serving the need they were intended to serve.

LITA Standards Interest Group


Saturday, July 11
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Palmer House, Chicago Room

This meeting will include a presentation from Clinton Chamberlain, on NISO's Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU) Recommended Practice (available at See Clint's related article, "Breaking the bottleneck: Using SERU to facilitate the acquisition of electronic resources" (C&RL News, December 2008. Vol. 69, No. 11; available online at: The meeting will also include an update from NISO's Managing Director, Todd Carpenter. -- **The above link is currently unavailable**

ALCTS CRS Holdings Information Update Forum:The changing landscape of serials holdings information


Saturday, July 11
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Hilton, Continental B

This forum will examine the current state of serials holdings data in library systems, full-text journal databases and Electronic Access Management Service knowledge bases. Special attention will be given to levels of data detail, supporting different formats and the challenges of holdings management. This forum will also showcase a successful implementation of ONIX (SOH version 1.1) which provides a level of holdings detail comparable to the MARC holdings standard. Finally, this forum will present the CONSER publication patterns initiative for local holdings data and the vision of developing a universal holdings database to support the fast growth of digitization and preservation projects. 

Speakers: Steven Knowlton (ProQuest), Mosher Erfron(TDNet), and Les Hawkins (Library of Congress)

ASCLA ICANS Physical Delivery Discussion Group

Sunday, July 12
8:00 am - 10:00 am 
Chicago Hilton, Conference Room 4C

Content Management Systems in Libraries: Opportunities and Lessons Learned (LITA)


Karen Coombs

Product Manager, OCLC Developer Network
OCLC Developer Network

Jonathan Blackburn

Senior Product Analyst, WorldShare Acquisitions
OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Eli Neiburger

Associate Director for IT and Product Development
Ann Arbor District Library

Monday, July 13
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
McCormick Place South, S105a-d

A  panel presentation on pros and possible cons when implementing a Content Management System in libraries.  Advantages include simplified site maintenance and the ability to distribute content editing responsibilities among staff. Disadvantages include possible loss of local control over the web site and reduced flexibility to make changes to functionality and layout. Speakers will describe their experience implementing CMS systems in academic and public libraries. Following the panel presentation, time will be available for questions and  discussion. 

Speakers: Karen Coombs, Head of Web Services, University of Houston Libraries; Jonathan Blackburn, Web Services Librarian, Florida State University; Eli Neiburger, Associate Director for IT and Product Development, Ann Arbor District Library

LITA Next Generation Catalog Interest Group Meeting: Post-Integrated Library Systems?


The Open Library Environment (OLE) and the Unified Resource Management (URM) Projects
Monday, July 13
3:30 - 5:30 pm
Palmer House, Chicago Room

We will have presentations and discussion about two projects that are on the cutting-edge of "redefining"  the ILS.
  • Carlen Ruschoff, Director of Information Technology & Technical Services, University of Maryland, College Park, and Peter Murray, Assistant Director, New Service Development OhioLINK: the Ohio Library and Information Network will present on the OLE Project
  • Oren Beit-Arie, the Chief Strategy Officer of Ex Libris, and Susan Sterns, the Vice President of Professional Services of Ex Libris, will present their Unified Resource Management (URM) Project.    

Additional Information

To view the full agenda for the ALA Midwinter Conference, click here.

To view the agenda for NISO/BISG 3rd Annual Forum, click here.