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Scholarly Societies In An Enriched Content Environment

Scholarly Societies In An Enriched Content Environment

November 2019

An Interview with Judy Luther

NISO continues its series of interviews with noted industry analysts and experts. In this discussion, Jill O'Neill, Director of Content, NISO explores with Judy Luther, President of Informed Strategies, the strategic value of enriched content for scholarly societies.

Specifically, Judy responds to the following questions during the interview.

  1. Judy, you’ve created this graphic (displayed on screen) as an illustration of the broad array of output coming from researchers. Can you talk a little bit about the spectrum of content seen here, content that you characterize as being outside of the usual publications workflow? What are some examples of where and how this content may be stored?
  2. What does this mean for those in the research community?
  3. Is this an issue for scholarly societies as well?
  4. From your perspective as an industry analyst then, societies need to handle content more strategically in order to thrive. How might they do so?
  5. What type of under-the-hood work might be necessary for content providers to factor into their planning? What steps might a library or scholarly society think about taking in order to build this kind of value for their research community?

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.