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NISO Plus 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities

NISO Plus 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities

October 2020

Expanded Sponsorship Opportunities

Following on from the success of the inaugural NISO Plus conference in February 2020, we are delighted to announce that NISO Plus 2021 is scheduled for February 2021.

The information community was a strong supporter of NISO Plus 2020 — an amazing 28 organizations sponsored the conference. Their representatives gave it a strong thumbs up, with a Net Promoter Score of 50! And they're putting their money where their mouth is - 10 of last year's sponsors have already committed to support NISO Plus 2021, at levels at or above their 2020 sponsorships. A big thank you to them all, and we hope that you'll considering joining them!

Due to uncertainty about the COVID-19 situation, NISO Plus 2021 will be an online-first meeting, with the possibility of an in-person element during 2021. This gives us a unique opportunity to open the conference up to a much broader and diverse, fully international audience. We know how committed the information community is to being inclusive and, with your support, we will be able to make NISO Plus openly available to everyone who wants to participate — from Baltimore to Berlin to Brisbane and beyond!

Moving to online first has also enabled us to expand the range of sponsorship opportunities available, allowing you to pick and mix to create the package that works best for your organization. From as little as $500 for a Bit-level sponsorship, there’s something for everyone. All options are first come, first served, and early bird sponsors also get first choice of in-person sponsorship options!

Sponsor NISO Plus 2021

Premium Options

  1. Sponsor a learning session. Your organization’s logo will be included on the virtual event page and you have the option to introduce the presentation and/or the discussion. Choose from sponsoring:
    • Keynotes — four sponsorships available, one in each region  (Americas/Europe, Middle East & Africa/Asia Pacific) plus the Miles Conrad Award lecture
    • A regular session in your time zone — NISO staff and Board members will attend all sessions
    • A conversation with an information community thought leader — a NISO member-only event, hosted by someone from your organization, where attendees can engage directly with a key influencer in our community 
    • Session transcriptions — by theme, track,or  time
    • A virtual poster session 
  2. Sponsor a social event. Your organization’s logo will be included on the virtual event page and you have the option to introduce the event. Choose from sponsoring:
    • Virtual cocktails, with music/entertainment and a cocktail named after your organization, which attendees will learn how to make during the event
    • Virtual Baltimore exhibit featuring artworks from Baltimore museums 
    • Virtual exercise breaks
    • Virtual quiz/trivia session 
  3. Sponsor a breakout room. Your organization’s logo will be included on the virtual event page and the virtual breakout room. Choose from sponsoring:
  4. Promotion opportunities. Choose from:
    • Custom hashtag on our promotional tweets/posts
    • Talking head video opportunity (short video about why they’re supporting NISO Plus)
    • I/O feature of some sort (editorial/thought leadership, brief video interview, not sales-y)
    • Post-credit/roll advertising slot for videos
  5. Complimentary registration. The number of places depends on your sponsorship level

All levels

  • Online program listing
  • Online program ad
  • Listing of sponsors on website
  • Sponsor acknowledgement at conference (interstitial slides)
  • Attendee registration list of email contacts (except opt-outs)
  • Banner ads on conference website
  • Mentioned in pre- and post-conference promotions (eg Twitter, LinkedIn, blog posts)


Terabyte Level ($10,099). Choose one option from each of the three premium level sponsorship opportunities, plus one promotion opportunity, two free registrations, and everything under all levels

Megabyte ($5,048). Choose two options from across the three premium level sponsorship options, plus one promotion opportunity, one free registration, and everything under all levels

Kilobyte Level ($3,024). Choose one option from across the three premium level sponsorship opportunities, plus one promotion opportunity OR one free subscription, and everything under all levels

Byte Level ($1,012). All options under all levels

Bit Level ($500). Choose five options under all levels

Sponsor NISO Plus 2021