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Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication: An Excerpt by Danielle Cooper of ITHAKA

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication

December 2020

This presentation by Danielle Cooper was part of a NISO virtual conference entitled Researcher Behaviors and the Impact of Technology. Cooper offered this as the abstract of her talk:

When we think of what technologies have the potential to drive research forward our minds often alight to exciting new developments that are still relatively rarified. However, it is the trend towards technologies becoming more affordable and accessible that often can have the most impact on how researchers do their work. In this talk I will focus on two examples of how this phenomena is currently playing out across the research spectrum: STEM data sharing communities, and humanists capturing archival content through personal mobile devices. Focusing on the technologies that are trending toward ubiquity is an important strategy for librarians, publishers, and service providers as they identify opportunities to support the research enterprise.

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.