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On Library Automation and Resource Sharing Networks

On Library Automation and Resource Sharing Networks

June 2023

As we experiment with new approaches to connecting readers with valuable insights and perspectives, NISO is expanding its series of vision interviews with thought leaders in information creation, distribution and preservation.

May of 2023 saw the release of the sixteenth edition of Marshall Breeding’s International Perceptions of Library Automation Report. As noted in the report’s opening paragraph, “This sixteenth edition of the survey received 2,750 responses. The 45,763 cumulative responses received since 2007 document interesting and important trends related to key technology products and vendors.”  In a far-reaching interview, Todd Carpenter speaks with Marshall Breeding about the projected impact of industry consolidation, resource sharing networks, and the future of library systems over the next decade. 

In keeping with the vision of NISO as a nexus of people and ideas, this is an opportunity to expand the range of formats in which we share knowledge with the information community. We encourage you to share your thoughts on how we can successfully deliver learning opportunities or topics you would like to see us cover moving forward.

Click below to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on our Cadmore Repository.