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ICYMI: CREC Public Comment Webinar

ICYMI: CREC Public Comment Webinar

October 2023

Of Interest to Those Working In Scholarly Communications

Retracted research—published work that is withdrawn, removed, or otherwise invalidated from the scientific and scholarly record—can be, and often is, inadvertently propagated within the digital scholarly record through citations. These citations are more likely to happen when content is 'silently' withdrawn or when the process for effectively communicating retraction at all publication lifecycle stages is unclear.

Since Summer 2022, NISO's CREC Working Group has been at work to create a Recommended Practice to address and provide a community-driven solution to this issue. The Recommended Practice is now in a draft state, ready to be shared with and receive feedback from the public. Listen in now to CREC Working Group co-chairs Caitlin Bakker and Rachael Lammey, along with CREC Working Group Member and Sloan Foundation grant recipient Dr. Jodi Schneider, as they discuss the project, the draft’s current status, and seek input from the community.