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NISO Professional Development Events, January and February 2024

NISO Professional Development Events, January and February 2024

January 2024

January 2024

NISO Open Teleconference

January 8 Open Teleconference: CP/LD (Content Profile/Linked Document) Standard
Monday, January 8, 2024, 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

The first NISO open teleconference of 2024, to be held Monday, January 8 at 11 am Eastern, will provide an overview and discussion on NISO's newest standard, ANSI/NISO Z39.105-2023, Content Profile/Linked Document (CP/LD), which enables portions of content, data, semantics, and other resources from separate sources to be combined into a single, standards-based format optimized for interchange, search, and display. 

CP/LD Working Group co-chairs Suzanne BeDell and Bill Kasdorf and member Rinke Hoekstra will join NISO Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace to talk about how the new standard will address issues in information delivery and improve user access to published material by enabling them to engage with a specific portion of content at the appropriate time in the research lifecycle. CP/LD provides flexible instructions for linking and combining academic, research, and professional content, data, and semantics in a single package. It defines a machine-readable, self-describing, standards-based markup format that can be used to exchange data between systems, APIs, and services.

NISO Webinar

Author Rights
Wednesday, January 10, 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Authors must navigate a variety of distribution models when thinking about sharing their content. Does one choose a subscription-based or open access publication? The decision may also mean juggling institutional and grant-related requirements regarding venue and copyright. Choosing is daunting. In concert, librarians and publishers must grasp the implications of the services offered, from read and publish contracts to rights retention policies. By engaging community leaders working closely on these issues, this roundtable will delve into important topics at the intersection of accessibility, cost, and authorship to reveal important insights about the ever-changing scholarly communications environment.

Confirmed speakers include Kyle Courtney, Director of Copyright and Information Policy, Harvard University Library, Judy Ruttenberg, Senior Director, Scholarship and Policy, ARL (Association of Research Libraries) and David Weinreich, Director of Public Affairs of the Americas, STM and Principle, Weinreich Strategic Group.

February 2024

NISO Webinar

Librarians, Researchers, Publishers & Social Change
Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

This event is designed to unite libraries, publishers, and researchers in a shared mission: to drive positive social change through academic collaboration, ethical publishing practices, and information advocacy. What are the roles and responsibilities of each ecosystem member? What are some strategies for fostering collaborative partnerships that promote DEIA principles? Learn about how to make a meaningful social impact through knowledge sharing.