NISO @ ALA Annual 2023
What You'll Want to Know!

American Library Association Annual Meeting 2023
Dates: June 22 - June 27, 2023
Location: McCormick Place Chicago Convention Center, Rooms, W176c, W194a, W181c, and W181a
NISO ALA Booth 1852
NISO looks forward to seeing you in person at our scheduled ALA sessions. Please see the specific event session below for further details.
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Event Sessions
Friday, June 23, 12:00pm Noon - 4:00pm, W176c: The Changing Standards Landscape: 16th Annual NISO/BISG Forum Diverse & Sustainable: A Conversation About How Book Publishing Evolves
The last several years have highlighted pressing concerns about social responsibilities and our collective action or inaction. Book publishers have begun to measure diversity in many ways: the books we publish, the authors we sign, the staff we employ, the content we promote, the labor policies we adopt, and more. Increasingly, environmental sustainability has also risen as a concern and become part of industry conversations around making book publishing more inclusive and promoting social justice more generally. Pressingly, we now need to move from talking about change to making an actual difference across the industry. The challenge is about more than just what publishers do: it stretches across the supply chain, affecting manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and libraries, as well. This program will identify primary concerns around diversity and sustainability, document what has been done, outline what more needs to be done, and discuss the obstacles and opportunities that remain.
Speakers: Bill Barry, Environmental Sustainability Advisor, Macmillan Publishers; Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO; Gwen Evans, Vice President, Global Library Relations, Elsevier; Kimberly Gladfelter Graham, Education Program Manager & DEIA Advocate, NISO; George Kerscher, Chief Innovations Officer, DAISY Consortium, and President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF); Brian O’Leary, Executive Director, BISG; Claudia Pilcher, Sustainability Planner, Scholastic Publishing; Ethan Tolpin, Manager of Environmental Sustainability, Macmillan; and Courtney Young, University Librarian, Colgate University.
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Saturday, June 24, 10:30am – 11:30am, W194a: NISO's Interoperability System of Controlled Digital Lending (IS-CDL) Working Group
NISO's IS-CDL (Interoperable System of Controlled Digital Lending) Working Group began its work last year. It is developing a consensus framework in support of controlled digital lending of book content by libraries, to be published as a NISO Recommended Practice. This framework will describe existing practice and define best practices for many aspects of this relatively new service model. Through a NISO consensus process, the outcomes will expand understanding of CDL as an extension of existing rights held and practices undertaken by libraries for content they legally hold.
This presentation will provide an overview, update, and discussion opportunity.
Speakers: Peter Collins, Director of Resource Sharing, OCLC; Allen Jones, Director, Digital Library and Technical Services, The New School; Sebastian Hammer, Co-founder and President, Index Data; and Nettie Lagace, Associate Executive Director, NISO.
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Saturday, June 24, 4:00pm – 5:30pm, W181c: The NISO Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP)
Networks of libraries have a long tradition of working together to expand their resources and provide more comprehensive coverage across all subjects through sharing of resources. As one of these strategies, larger networks of institutions have recently explored wider adoption of cooperative collections management, a process by which networks of institutions work collaboratively to acquire, manage, circulate, and preserve collections across the network. The NISO Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP) seeks to overcome serious barriers to wider implementations, including the lack of available vendor-neutral interoperable systems, adequate governance and decision-making frameworks, and assessment tools. The infrastructure will create a suite of best practices, improved standards, and middleware for the development and management of collective collections and will support varied implementation models, data interoperability, and sharing of expertise across a range of institutions and consortia.
This session will describe the work at a high level and also the actions that have been taken this year under the auspices of funding from IMLS to progress discussion, including NISO working groups creating a Recommended Practice, and other analysis and outputs.
Speakers: Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO; Jill Morris, Executive Director, PALCI; and Boaz Nadav-Manes, University Librarian, Lehigh University.
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Sunday, June 25, 1:00pm – 2:00pm, W181c: NISO Standards Update
A lot is happening at NISO! Join us for our NISO Update, which will provide the latest news about NISO in general and our current projects, including standards, recommended practices, and community meetings covering many areas of interest to the library community. Working group members will provide updates on projects newly underway or recently completed.
Speakers: Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO, Nettie Lagace, Associate Executive Director, NISO; Bobbi Patham, Global Manager, Discovery & Discovery Services, Springer Nature; Regina Reynolds, Director, U.S. ISSN Center, Library of Congress; and Michelle Urberg, Metadata Consultant and Information Architect
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Monday, June 26, 10:30am – 11:30am, W181a: Federated Authentication: Browser changes and what to expect
The major browser vendors (Google, Apple, Firefox) are in the midst of major changes to browser technologies, in the name of security and privacy protections. These changes are fantastic for protecting the individual, but are going to introduce major challenges for things like IP authorization, link decoration, and third party cookies. Join us for a discussion of what's happening and what changes you will start seeing as early as next year.
Speakers: Amanda Ferrante, MLIS, Principal Product Manager, Identity & Access Management, EBSCO Information Services; and Jason Griffey, Director of Strategic Initiatives, NISO.
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Additional Information
This is an in-person event only. Streaming will not be available to those not attending on site.
Event Dates
Free to all registered attendees of the American Library Association 2023 Meeting
McCormick Place Chicago Convention Center
2301 S King Dr
Chicago, IL 60616