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New and Emerging Specs and Standards (June 2022)

New and Emerging Specs and Standards (June 2022)

May 2022

ISO 24143:2022 Information and documentation — Information Governance — Concept and principles
Technical Committee: ISO/TC 46 Information and documentation

"Information is a critical asset that is indispensable to support business processes and therefore, a foundation for the success of any business activities. Due to numerous existing and emerging forms and uses of information and information-related risks, organizations often struggle with implementing consistent and comprehensive systems to store, retrieve, share and analyse information. The current global digital transformation and the changes in societal expectations increasingly demand greater transparency, accountability, data protection, security, interoperability and information sharing within and between organisations. This trend requires a solid vision and strategy for Information Governance that supports the business process at a strategic level including digital transformation initiatives. Many governmental and non-governmental organisations worldwide already perceive the necessity and understand the benefits of coordinating at a strategic level the efforts of multiple information-, data- and knowledge-related disciplines. […] This document establishes concepts and principles for Information Governance. This document applies to the governance of the organisation's past, current and future information assets. It applies to organisations of all sizes in all sectors, including public and private companies, government entities, and not-for-profit organisations."

ISO 30302:2022 Information and documentation — Management systems for records — Guidelines for implementation
Technical Committee: ISO/TC 46/SC 11 Archives/records management

"This document gives guidance for the implementation of an MSR in accordance with ISO 30301. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 30301. It describes the activities to be undertaken when designing, implementing and monitoring an MSR. This document is intended to be used by any organization, or across organizations, implementing an MSR. It is applicable to all types of organization (e.g. commercial enterprises, government agencies, non-profit organizations) of all sizes. This document is intended to be used by those responsible for leading the implementation and maintenance of the MSR. It can also help top management in making decisions on the establishment, scope and implementation of management systems in their organization."

ISO/IEC 29138-3:2022 Information technology — User interface accessibility — Part 3: Requirements and recommendations on user needs mapping

Technical Committee: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 User interfaces

“This document provides guidance on the mapping of a set of user accessibility needs with the provisions of a particular standard, technical report, or set of guidelines. It provides both basic guidance that should be used for all user accessibility needs mapping and optional guidance that may be added to the basic guidance. User accessibility needs mapping is intended to help improve accessibility for all users and, in particular, for users with special needs that can be overlooked. User accessibility needs mapping is not intended to be used to evaluate or certify a given standard or set of guidelines.”

W3C Strategic Highlights, April 2022

“W3C released on May 9 to the public the April 2022 edition of the W3C Strategic Highlights. This report summarizes recent work W3C Members and the public do at the Web Consortium to enhance the web and innovate for its growth and strength. This semi-annual report includes comprehensive updates in key areas that are core to the web platform, how W3C meets the needs of industry and society as a whole, how the future of web standards is determined, and the latest information on web for all and outreach to the world.”

W3C Invites Implementations of EPUB 3.3, EPUB Reading Systems 3.3, EPUB Accessibility 1.1

“The EPUB 3 Working Group invites implementations of the following three Candidate Recommendation Snapshots: EPUB 3.3 defines the authoring requirements for EPUB publications and represents the third major revision of the standard; EPUB Reading Systems 3.3 defines the conformance requirements for EPUB 3 reading systems — the user agents that render EPUB publications; EPUB Accessibility 1.1 specifies content conformance requirements for verifying the accessibility of EPUB® Publications. It also specifies accessibility metadata requirements for the discoverability of EPUB publications. […] The specification represents the third major revision and, in particular, a revision of the EPUB 3.2 document published by the EPUB 3 Community Group. This new version is now on a W3C Recommendation Track. There have been only a few technical additions in the areas of internationalization, security, or core media types. The focus of the Working Group have been to align the specifications with the latest W3C specifications, current usage and practices of the publishing industry, improve the readability of the specification, align the accessibility requirement with the latest Web Accessibility standards as well as the European Accessibility Act, and to work on a comprehensive test suite to improve the interoperability of Reading Systems. Read also the detailed change logs in the documents for further details.”