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KBART Endorsement

Why adopt the NISO KBART guidelines?


An estimated 40% of full text usage on publisher sites is driven by library databases (including Google Scholar and Next Generation Discovery Tools). A major part of this access flows through OpenURL link resolvers that rely on detailed knowledge base title data provided by publishers. Accurate, up to date representation of publisher and aggregator content availability increases exposure and usage of your full text content, and builds on the success of the OpenURL framework to ensure even smoother interoperability and access.




Before KBART, there existed no simplified common understanding of what data was necessary to enable a library’s link resolver to function optimally. Thus, user access to publisher content was impeded. The KBART format satisfies the needs of the entire downstream supply chain from full text aggregators and knowledge base suppliers to consortia and individual libraries. In addition to broadening access to publisher content, the universally-accepted KBART metadata structure will save publisher time and improve customer relations by providing a standardized way to exchange and update product availability details across the supply chain.


Once a publisher begins to provide its content availability data in the KBART format, they will have a single source where they can refer knowledge base suppliers, aggregators, consortia and libraries to satisfy all their content detail needs. Adopting this format should save time and improve service. The KBART registry will acknowledge and publicize publisher participation and provide a clearinghouse for dataset download links (where applicable).

The KBART adoption process

  1. Indicate your interest by contacting a KBART working group member at:
  2. Read the KBART recommendations, accessible via
  3. Format your ejournal and ebook content availability data to meet the requirements as stated in this document.
  4. Ensure that you have a process in place for regular data exchange as outlined in Section 5.2 of the KBART report
  5. Register your organization on the KBART registry website (, providing a link to download the newly KBART formatted dataset(s)
  6. KBART will provide a logo for your site and issue a press release
  7. Provide the KBART formatted data (or its download location) to your supply chain contacts

For more information, contact us at