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Standards and Publications

White Paper

Patents and Open Standards

Abstract Reviews some patent basics and then considers the following questions: What is an "open standard?" What are the policies of other standards setting organizations governing patented contributions to standards? And...

ISBN 978-1-880124-95-6

Research Data Management: A Primer

Abstract Meeting the challenges of 21st century research require sound research data management. By carefully planning, documenting, and preserving data, the goals of having reproducible and transparent research data are far...

ISBN 978-1-937522-65-0
Recommended Practice

RP-38-2021, Content Platform Migrations

Abstract Achieving a smooth platform migration requires effort from multiple parties. There are typically four major stakeholder groups involved when a publisher moves content from one hosting platform to another. 1)...

ISBN 978-1-950980-11-6
DOI 10.3789/niso-rp-38-2021
Recommended Practice

RP-41-2023, Video and Audio Metadata Guidelines

Abstract Audio and video assets are growing in popularity and volume in the information arena. This Recommended Practice, targeted to producers and consumers of audiovisual content, establishes a vocabulary and guidelines...

ISBN 978-1-950980-19-2

Understanding Metadata

Abstract Understanding Metadata is a revision and expansion of Metadata Made Simpler: a guide for libraries published by NISO Press in 2001. NISO extends its thanks and appreciation to Rebecca Guenther...

ISBN 978-1-880124-62-8