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Standards and Publications


ANSI/NISO Z39.78-2000 (R2010) Library Binding

Abstract NOTE: This standard has been superseded by ANSI/NISO/LBC Z39.78-2000 (R2018) Library Binding. Binding is the first line of defense in library preservation and can be a major part of a...

ISBN 978-1-880124-43-7
DOI 10.3789/ansi.niso.z39.78-2000R2010
ISSN 1041-5653

ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2015 JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite

Abstract The Journal Article Tag Suite provides a common XML format in which publishers and archives can exchange journal content. The JATS provides a set of XML elements and attributes for...

ISBN 978-1-937522-69-8
DOI 10.3789/ansi.niso.z39.96-2015

ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2021, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, version 1.3

Abstract JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, version 1.3 Abstract: The Journal Article Tag Suite provides a common XML format in which publishers and archives can exchange journal content. The JATS provides...

ISBN 978-1-950980-13-0 (PDF version)
DOI 10.3789/ansi.niso.z39.96-2021
ISSN 1041-5653

ANSI/NISO Z39.99-2017 ResourceSync Framework Specification

Abstract This ResourceSync specification describes a synchronization framework for the web consisting of various capabilities that allow third-party systems to remain synchronized with a server’s evolving resources. The capabilities may be...

ISBN 978-1-937522-73-5
DOI 10.3789/ansi.niso.z39.99-2017
ISSN 1041-5653

ANSI/NISO/LBC Z39.78-2000 (R2018)

Abstract Describes the technical specifications and materials specifications for first-time hardcover binding of serials publications and paperbound books for library use, and rebinding of hardcover books and serials intended for library...

ISBN 978-1-937522-86-5
DOI 10.3789/ansi.niso.z39.78-2000R2018
ISSN 1041-5653
White Paper

JATS Compatibility Model

Abstract This document is intended to help developers of new JATS-related XML vocabularies create those vocabularies in ways that usefully extend the reach of the JATS vocabularies without conflicting with current...

White Paper

NISO Plus 2020 Outputs and Next Steps

Abstract The inaugural NISO Plus conference took place in Baltimore, MD on February 23-25, 2020. Following the merger of NFAIS and NISO in 2019, our goal was to combine the thought...